
Friday, April 8, 2016

DorMauri Tea Tree Mineral Clay Facial Cleanser

To be honest I was a bit skeptical of this soap at first.  Bar Soap is usually drying and never in a million years would I use it on my face.  But in the spirit of trying something new I took the plunge and applied to test it!

This is the type of product I wouldn't go out of my way to buy without trying first so I'm thankful that Social Nature chose me to try it for free!  Spoiler alert!  I love it!

It has a mild tea tree oil scent that isn't at all overpowering and little pieces of clay in it that work wonders at exfoliating.  It fits comfortably in the palm of my hand which makes it super easy to use.

I like to run one side under water (this avoids it from slipping all over the place) and then run it across my face.  It lathers nicely and really cleans!  It also rinses off easily unlike most bar soaps.  I was worried it would be too drying but it's not at all.  My face is left feeling smooth and supple.  No tightness and no residue.

Have you tried any DorMauri cleansers? Is it a product you would like to try?  Would you like to get a 30% off discount? Click here or here to shop DorMauri's Mineral Clay Cleansers and enter code CLNSR30 

*Product sent to me for free via Social Nature.  All opinions expressed are my own

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